…Where 'La Gourmandise' is not a sin!



#iGourmand #Lucito #LucPaquin #Vino #Uvas #Curso #Consultant


Una Introducción al Vino


Una Introducción al Vino


Una Introducción al Vino


Una Introducción al Vino


Una Introducción al Vino


Una Introducción al Vino


Los vinos pueden ser un tema fascinante y también una fuente de misterio y temor para aquellos quienes no conocen mucho acerca de este tema. Para aquellos que están en busca de una introducción al mundo interesante de los vinos, y quieren aprender las bases de cómo seleccionar vinos y estar familiarizados con el tema, ofrecemos un curso intensivo de 3 a 4 horas que le enseñará lo que necesita conocer para tener un conocimiento de vinos que funcione. El curso consiste de una parte teórica seguida por una degustación formal de 7 vinos diferentes.

Su Instructor, Luc Paquin, ha viajado a través del mundo como consultor de vino y comida gourmet y comprador de una variedad de empresas por más de 35 años. Su amplio conocimiento en el tema lo hace una fuente de información y su estilo informal hace el tema frecuentemente sorprendente, accesible a todos.

Aquí las cosas básicas que aprenderá en el curso:


  • Una breve historia del vino
  • Cómo se hace el vino
  • Los diferentes tipos de uvas
  • Los diferentes tipos de vino
  • Las más importantes regiones vinícolas del mundo
  • Cómo leer una etiqueta de vino
  • Cómo degustar el vino
  • Combinación básica de vino-comida
  • El orden y la temperatura para servir los vinos


  • Degustación de vino espumoso
  • Degustación de vino blanco
  • Degustación de vino rosado
  • Degustación de vino tinto

Periodo de Preguntas


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Curriculum Vitae 2022

J. Luc Paquin 2022 – English & Español

Luc Paquin

Languages Spoken and Written: French, English and Spanish.

Citizenship: Canadian

Luc Paquin






Web: https://www.igourmand.com/
Web: https://www.jlpconsultants.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neosteam.labs.9/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5eRjrGn1CqkkGfZy0jxEdA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/labs_steam
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/NeoSteamLabs/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/luc.paquin/



#iGourmand #Lucito #Announcements #Art #Beer #Wine #Spirits #FoodDrinkIndustry #Books #Jewelry #Microcontrollers #Courses #Consultant #Zoom #VideoBlog


Lucito & Normita General Store


General Store

A general store is a rural or small-town store that carries a general line of merchandise. It carries a broad selection of merchandise, sometimes in a small space, where people from the town and surrounding rural areas come to purchase all their general goods. The store carries routine stock and obtains special orders from warehouses. General stores often sell staple food items such as milk and bread, and various household goods such as hardware and electrical supplies.

Luc’s grandfather had a general store in Canada. That general store sold beans, cigarette, tobacco, chips, candy, household, home appliance, clothing, shoes, tools, hardware, electrical, paints, fishings, sports equipment, firearms, etc…

Business Concept

This document is to outline a business concept that has been in the back of my mind for many years. The main reason that it is still in the back of my mind is that the project requires substantial commitments and financing and that I was always waiting to find a place where I wanted to settle down and for other projects to move forward to be able to start this one.

After postponing it for a couple of decades, I think that it is a good idea to bring it to the forefront and actually work on making it come through as the time seems right. This document is not a business plan, but a way to put all the ideas that have been turning in my head for so many years. I plan to present it to various people to see if the project makes sense and is worth investing substantial efforts in preparing a formal business plan and finding proper financing.

Lucito: Canadian
Normita: Mexican

Lucito & Normita General Store

  • -Books
  • -Graphic Design
  • -Jewelry
  • -Painting
  • -Prints
  • -Digital Prints
  • -Drawing
  • -Illustration
  • -Sculpture
  • -Fruit Preserves
  • -Bread
  • -Chocolate
  • -Candy
  • -Cheese
  • -Ham
  • -Coffee
  • -Tea
  • -Sauces
  • -Herbes
  • -Home Appliance
  • -Electronic
  • -Cabinetry
  • -Furniture
  • -Microcontrollers
  • -Robotics
  • -Essences
  • -Incenses
  • -Candles
  • -Clothing
  • -Cooking Courses
  • -Beer Courses
  • -Wine Courses
  • -Jewelry Courses
  • -Painting Courses
  • -English and Spanish Courses
  • -Electronic, Microcontrollers, Robotics Courses
  • -Tutoring
  • -Computer-Based Tutoring
  • -Webinars
  • -Etc…

Phase Investment

  • -Mexico or Canada
  • -Requirement Analysis
  • -Investors
  • -Internationally
  • -Opening Costs
  • -Moving
  • -Kitchen Equipment
  • -Kitchen Table and Chairs
  • -Refrigerators
  • -Range
  • -Incidentals
  • -Rent
  • -Electricity
  • -Gaz
  • -Water
  • -Internet
  • -Web Hosting
  • -Telephone
  • -Cellulars
  • -Accountant
  • -Lawyer
  • -Transportation
  • -Marketing
  • -Etc…

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Curriculum Vitae 2021



Web: https://www.igourmand.com/
Web: http://www.jlpconsultants.com/
Web: https://zoom.us/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neosteam.labs.9/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5eRjrGn1CqkkGfZy0jxEdA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/labs_steam
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/NeoSteamLabs/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/luc.paquin/



#iGourmand #Lucito #food #recipe #beer #wine #spirits #FoodDrinkIndustry #FoodIndustry #DrinkIndustry #consultant #zoom #videoblog




A Concept for a New Kind of Gastronomy and Luxury Goods Business

This document is to outline a business concept that has been in the back of my mind for many years. The main reason that it is still in the back of my mind is that the project requires substantial commitments and financing and that I was always waiting to find a place where I wanted to settle down and for other projects to move forward to be able to start this one.

After postponing it for a couple of decades, I think that it is a good idea to bring it to the forefront and actually work on making it come through as the time seems right. This document is not a business plan, but a way to put all the ideas that have been turning in my head for so many years. I plan to present it to various people to see if the project makes sense and is worth investing substantial efforts in preparing a formal business plan and finding proper financing.

What is missing in most gastronomy business?

For a large part of my live I have been living in areas where the local availably of high-end or gourmet food, wine, beer, spirits and luxury items was at best spotty. You could find some of the things required for gourmet cooking and luxury items in some places, but availability was always difficult, so I normally did my ‘luxury’ shopping when I was traveling to cities where they were available. I remember when I was living in Sudbury, in Northern Ontario; I used to make infrequent trips to Montreal to load up on things from the wine cellar to the kitchen and more. In those days Montreal was always a better choice than Toronto as more was available and at a better price.

The main problem with these trips was finding the time to hit all the right shops in a reasonable amount of time. A typical trip to Montreal would start by me stopping at a large shop that specialized in tableware and cooking tools. I normally picked up some crystal glasses and a variety of kitchen gadgets there. The next step was to stop at the fancy wine, beer, liquor store downtown, the “Maison des Vins” and load up on everything I could find from champagnes, wines, beer, Armagnac, and whatever else I could find. While downtown I would stop at my favorite cigar shop, and also do a bit of shopping for luxury items. I would also visit Chinatown for all my Chinese cooking needs. On my way out of town I would pick up 12 dozen bagels at the Fairmont bagel factory. Next stop was my butcher to pick up some fresh vacuum-packed foie gras, and stop at a nice fish place where I would get some frozen scampi, assorted seafood, smoked salmon, some canned foie gras, oscietra and beluga caviar, truffles, and whatever else I needed back home. I normally drove back to Sudbury straight from the shopping trip several thousands of dollars poorer, but I had my luxury supplies for the next 3-6 months.

This was over 38 years ago and even back in those days I was always thinking that somebody should put together a proper gourmet, luxury item shop so that people looking for the best could have a one stop place to go for all of their needs. Some large department stores offer a lot of those items, but normally at a huge premium and choice can be spotty in periods outside of the holiday season. Another problem with most large department stores is that they do not normally group these various items in a way that is shopper friendly and you end up going up and down the store with heavy bags to do all of your shopping.

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Curriculum Vitae 2021



Web: https://www.igourmand.com/
Web: http://www.jlpconsultants.com/
Web: https://zoom.us/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neosteam.labs.9/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5eRjrGn1CqkkGfZy0jxEdA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/labs_steam
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/NeoSteamLabs/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/luc.paquin/



#iGourmand #Lucito #food #recipe #beer #wine #spirits #FoodDrinkIndustry #FoodIndustry #DrinkIndustry #consultant #zoom #videoblog












What is a Gourmand?

A Gourmand is a person who takes great pleasure in food and drinks. Different than the Gourmet who is someone that has a sophisticated palate, the Gourmand enjoys the pleasures given by good food and drinks, without the complication normally associated with the Gourmet world.

My Philosophy

I started as a Gourmet, and over the years my love for the pleasures of good food and good drinks became bigger than my love of the rituals, rules and the complications normally associated with the Gourmet world. For the last 16 years I converted myself to a Gourmand and I have been crusading to demystify and simplify the pleasures associated with good food and good drinks. My goal is to teach and help everyone who has an interest in good food and good drinks to appreciate this sensual subject. We have to remember that the pleasures of the table are the only ones that are essential for our survival as an individual. That is probably why that some consider them a sin!

Services Offered to the General Public

Introductory to advanced cooking classes and conferences
Introductory to advanced wine/spirits/beer classes and conferences
Introductory to advanced food and wine/spirits/beer matching classes
Wine/spirits/beer tastings
Food and wine/spirits/beer events for singles
Romantic food and wine/spirits/beer events for couples
Seminars on food/wine/spirits/beer/cigars/luxury items/etc topics
Event planning and catering
Home kitchen design services
Wine cellar design services
Wine collection evaluation services
Wine investment consulting services
Motivational classes

Services Offered to the Food and Drink Industry

Sourcing Services

Fine wines from a variety of countries
Fine spirits from a variety of countries
Fine beers from a variety of countries
Non-perishable luxury/exotic food items
Cooking utensils and appliances
Fine tableware and crystal
Perishable luxury/exotic food items
Fine cigars
Other luxury items

IT services

Wine/Beer/Food/Cigar/Etc education kiosks
Client reward programs
Branded cooking and other software
Food/Wine matching engine
Cutting edge web-portal
Cutting edge POS and management software
Multilingual food and wine blogs


Food and beverage business planning
Business plan analysis
Restaurant analysis and consulting
Menu analysis and preparation
Wine list analysis and preparation
Professional classes (cooking, food prep, sanitation, wine, spirits, beer, sommelier, etc)
Staff motivation seminars
Event planning and catering
Restaurant design
Software and IT consulting
Software POS and management solutions
Vineyard Weather Monitoring
Vineyard Automation and Machine Learning Grapevines
Wine and viticulture consulting
Commercial kitchen design services
Wine cellar design services
Wine collection and cellar evaluation services
Wine investment consulting services
Staff and restaurant certification programs

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Curriculum Vitae 2021

Curriculum Vitae – English

Curriculum Vitae – Español

Web: https://www.igourmand.com/
Web: http://www.jlpconsultants.com/
Web: https://zoom.us/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neosteam.labs.9/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5eRjrGn1CqkkGfZy0jxEdA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/labs_steam
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/NeoSteamLabs/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/luc.paquin/


As most of you might have noticed, posting has been slow for the past few weeks. The reason has been a combination of many things. First the big heat wave that passed through central Mexico left us with not much energy to do anything productive and it was compounded by power failures and communication problems. We also have been working hard preparing a bunch of new features that we wanted to launch earlier this month, but due to various delays and infrastructure problems we will launch them when things quiet down a bit around here, probably in late June.

Though this site is hosted on a commercial host, we also maintain our own servers here for our other businesses, and for some clients. We spend the part of last week updating out Windows server, and now the next task is to do the same to the Linux one. I also need to add storage to our file server, so this sounds like it will keep me busy for a while judging the fun I had last week with the Windows server.

We also have been intensively looking for a new place for the school as right now it is an ordeal for us to travel to the place we give the cooking and wine courses as it is on the opposite side of town from where we live. On a good day with no traffic it takes us close to 3 hours to get there from here, so it is a tad tiring to give the courses. Also it is far north on the other side of town and most people in the more central areas of the city do not want to travel so far. We have been looking for a commercial space to rent, or ideally for a large out with enough space for us, the Boyz, and for the school and of course at a price we can afford. IT seems very difficult to find something that matches all of our criteria.

I think that this slowness of posting might last a few more weeks as I would love to find a proper place for the school and settle that once and for all, and also I need to do a lot of work both for the new things we want to launch here, and also on assorted other projects around the office. I will try to post something occasionally when I have a few free minutes, and we are taking picture and preparing new material for the site all the time. In the meantime keep cooking and enjoying good food and good wine and we will resume our regular posting schedule soon.


We had one of those very stressful weekends running around the house trying to accomplish a lot of tasks and working on a lot of new things. This did not give me even a few free minutes to post the Daily Express and I shortly post them late. We did not even had time to cook as we were trying to accomplish a lot, and I had thawed the last of some nice New York cut steak to have yesterday and we were to tired to enjoy them, so we will have them today. In any case the wind was so strong all of last week and last weekend that I would not have been able to grill them on the barbecue.

There has been a flurry of activity around here in the past week as we are preparing for a launch later this week or next a bunch of new features for the blog and the site. I think that you will like what we have planned and I am working out the details as we speak, and wildly programming all the features so they work perfectly from day one. Please watch for a formal announcement later this week or first thing next week. Today there will be a lot of short post to catch up with a dry weekend.


I think that it is time for a bit of recipe reorganization here on the blog as when I was trying to see if I had posted the marinade recipe from yesterday I noticed that it is not that easy to navigate the blog and see all that is there. I am currently looking at alternatives from simply re-categorizing the entire content to a better solution that might involve some additional technology or WordPress plug-in.

If any of you have some suggestions or can recommend a plug-in that could help to better classify the content of the blog please leave a comment about it, or write to me directly at jlpaquin@igourmand.com.


As of today we will be launching a new feature. It is called the “Daily Express”. It is not really a post about specific recipes, but more of a log of what we cook here at home on a daily basis. We tend to recycle a lot and do lots of things with leftovers. There are many reasons for this, but it is mainly because I hate throwing anything away, and ever more throwing away food.

In this way we can both record what we do in the kitchen on a daily basis, and also help stimulate and inspire people to create something with what they have at home instead of eating junk food or buying prepared food all the time. During the week I normally spend less that 10-15 minutes to prepare our main meal of the day, which we normally eat at 4pm more or less the customary time (2pm to 4pm) for the main meal here. Besides that meal we normally have breakfast around 10am and have a snack in the evening if we get hungry. On weekends, if times permits, we normally try to prepare something a bit more elaborate. We rarely eat out as we work at home unless we go to town on business and come back too late or too tired to cook.

Enjoy these daily tips and give us some feedback if you have any suggestions.


Después de más de 5 años en línea decidí que ya era tiempo de desplegar un nuevo diseño para el blog y para el sitio principal. Esto fue aún más importante para nosotros ya que ahora estamos más y más involucrados en nuestro negocio de vino y comida. Empezamos con nuestros cursos de vinos, los cuales son un gran éxito, y en el año venidero ofreceremos clases de cocina y también planeamos abrir un restaurante basado en el concepto de “Cocina Privada” que es muy popular en Hong Kong, pero con una variación…

Visite este espacio para anuncios futuros en los meses próximos, y la página Web principal también deberá ser actualizada, ya sea hoy o mañana a más tardar, así que visítenos ahí también.


After more than 5 years online I decided that it was about time that we displayed a new look for the blog and also for the main site. This was even more important for us as we are now more and more involved with our food and wine business. We started with the wine courses which are a great success, and in the coming year we will offer cooking classes and also plan the opening of a restaurant based on the “Private Kitchen” concept that is popular in Honk Kong, but with a twist…

Watch this space for further announcements in the coming months, and the main website should be also updated either tonight or tomorrow, so give us a visit there too.

